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Food Share Update

It has been three months since our food aid program was put into action! Thank you for your partnership and the various ways you have supported the program.

Over the past 12 weeks, we have packed 210 food shares! That computes to 4 years of groceries or over 16,000 meals.

The Pioneer Camp Community Food Share project has been aimed at helping those in our communities who need assistance during this trying time. To be able to do that well, we also packed the same food supplies for the public to purchase. By buying a package from us, you have helped support the program and enabled the project to run longer than we expected it would.

Thank you for joining us in considering the needs of your neighbors. You have partnered with a ministry that is sharing resources that are meant to be shared. While we cannot share a meal around the table with each other, what a gift to fill a fridge and enable someone to feel the blessing of being a part of a community that cares. Also, many families have given us a special thank you for the gift of our book, Volume: Cooking for a Community. We have gifted almost 100 copies of VOLUME, and it is exciting to think of the reach and impact which that has had; well beyond our expectations.

Many thanks go to our church and care giver partners, as without you, we could not have reached so many people. We are so grateful for the opportunity this program has provided for our staff and volunteers. It has been good for our souls to do this together.