Community Care

Community Care

For me, it was on March 13, that suddenly an entire month of catering and off-site cooking was wiped clean from my schedule.

After cancelling venues and staff, stopping orders and communicating changed plans, one long thought I had was how could we support others through this.

But first a lot of other things had to happen and our full focus needed to remain on our own family unit. While everything changed quickly, our household was mostly in full welcome of being at home. My boys love playing together, and being at home is something they never feel they get enough of. Spring was nearly here and there was hope for puddles and bicycles. As time has gone on, we have become somewhat accustomed to working and learning together. It is never easy. We still don’t have it figured out by any means, and there are rare quiet moments of productivity mixed between the loud sounds of joy, the buzz of managing zoom calls/face times/classroom meets, and the constant reminders encouraging everyone to keep to task.

A few weeks into our new schedule, within a span of one day, it became apparent that we were applying for a grant, that day, to move a thought forward to provide food aid for those caring for the needs of those affected by COVID 19 in our community. With our small year-round camp staff team at Pioneer Camp Manitoba, we could package food hampers for churches and caregivers to distribute to those who could use healthy groceries and meals. As I had already begun building the project’s mission and vision, late night food costing and budget planning ensued to complete the application before midnight, and we did a soft open on April 17th, packing a week’s worth of groceries for 10 families. It was good. It brought joy.

The Pioneer Camp Community Food Share project is aimed at helping those in our communities who need assistance during this trying time. To be able to do that well, we are also packing the same food supplies for the public to purchase. Buying a package from us helps support our program and will enable the project to run as long as it is needed. You can even buy a package for someone you know who could use a gift that is as simple as a thoughtfully planned box of groceries.

So we invite you to join us in considering the needs of your neighbors. By supporting camp through this time, you are partnered with a ministry that is sharing resources that are meant to be shared. This time, they come in a box, with a book and planned meals. While we cannot share a meal around the table with each other, what a gift to fill a fridge and enable someone to feel the blessing of being a part of a community that cares.

For more information, please see the Food Share tab in the left corner of your page.

You can also click below, to read a lovely article from our friends at 26 Projects who have featured our efforts to feed our community.

Food Share Update

Food Share Update

Slow Roasted Pork

Slow Roasted Pork